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Frequently Asked Questions 

With whom will I be speaking?
Nathan Research Group will inform you with whom you will be consulting. Our company provides services for some of the world’s leading investment firms, consultancies, and MNCs.

How often will I be asked to consult?


Nathan Research Group cannot provide any sort of guaranteed minimum in terms of consulting assignments. We do, however, offer our experts every opportunity that we feel suits their respective specialties.

How long does a consultation last?


Our experts normally speak to our clients for about one hour. Consultations do occasionally last longer, and experts’ fees will be adjusted to reflect that. Clients may also request follow-up consultations that our experts may accept or decline at their leisure.

How does the payment process work?

Nathan Research Group provides payment to our experts based on an agreed-upon rate set in advance of a consultation taking place. One we are informed of the successful completion of a consultation are told of the consultation’s duration, we will process the payment in the expert’s preferred currency either by direct deposit or PayPal.

Will I only be consulting over the phone?


Telephone consultations are the most common service requested by our clients. We do offer other types of service but that is entirely dependent on client need and expert willingness. Please click here to find out more.

What sort of information will I be expected to provide?


You will only be expected to present your own personal knowledge and opinions on the topics our clients are interested in. You will not be expected to provide exact quantitative information or any sort of literature unless agreed upon in advance of the consultation by all parties involved.

Will my identity be given to your clients?


We do not provide our clients with our experts’ identities. It is entirely the expert’s prerogative whether or not they divulge their identity during the course of a consultation.

Will what I say during a consultation be published?


The contents of consultations arranged by Nathan Research Group are normally never released for public consumption. There are multiple agreements in place prohibiting our clients from divulging with whom they spoke and what they spoke about. Reciprocally, our experts are also prohibited from doing the same. The only way the contents of a consultation can be released publicly is if all parties involved provide explicit written permission.

Will I be asked to speak about confidential topics?


Nathan Research Group prohibits experts and clients from knowingly and/or willfully speaking about subjects that are confidential/proprietary/etc. in nature. If you are asked such a question, you may simply decline and ask to move onto the next topic. If a client pressures you to speak about topics that are off-limits, we expect you to end the consultation immediately and notify us. Please refer to our Terms & Conditions for more details.



All comments, queries and requests relating to our services are welcomed and should be addressed to the following e-mail address

Last revised 08/Aug/2022


For any inquiries or questions,

please call: +82 2 939 3630 or fill out the following form.

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Nathan Research Group, Inc.

#1608, West Wing, Hanshin Intervalley 24,

322 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu,

Seoul, 06211, South Korea​

Tel: +82 2 939 3630

Fax: +82 2 552 3633


To apply for a job with Nathan Research Group, please send a cover letter together with your C.V. to:

© 2022 by Nathan Research Group. All rights reserved.

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